The Canary Islands have an exceptional climate.
Some of the species that inhabited Europe and Africa in the Tertiary Period still survive on the islands thanks to our oceanic location and altitude, factors that mitigate the extreme temperatures that caused the extinction of their continental relatives.
The variety of aloe that is native to the Canary Islands has been classified by experts as having the best hea- ling properties in the world (*). It is used for health and beauty purposes thanks to its high healing, regenerative and calming effects.
In recent years, moringa has also been cultivated on our land. This “superfood” is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is considered an excellent source of nutrients.
The Canary Islands export flowers to all over Europe.
In our markets you will find exotic tropical species that have adapted to the Canarian environment such as Pro- teas, Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise flower) or elegant Anthu- riums. Our farmers also grow other varieties of flowers and plants: roses, palms, chrysanthemums, etc.
The Canary Islands is a land of flowers.